tidig morgon

Idag blev det en tidig morgon då det fanns lite att städa upp i köket innan rörmokaren skulle komma 07.30. Tyvärr ringde han strax innan och fick skjuta upp besöket till senare idag då det hade kommit något akutjobb ivägen.
Igår fick vi besök av elektriken, som kopplade in vägguttag till micro, kyl/frys, och diskmaskin. Spottarna i taket kom på plats och fungerar super också!
Bara hällen, ugnen och uttag/lampor vid arbetsbänken nu som ska fixas sen så är elektrikens jobb i köket klart!
Bilder kommer under dagen!


Idag är det Helena's födelsedag!!
Så Jag och skumpi skickar ett stoooort grattis!


/Joel & Skumpi

Bänkskiva på plats

idag har alla handtag kommit på plats på alla skåp. Sen åkte vi iväg och köpte bänkskivan i ek som sågats till och är nu på plats, men ej fastsatt än då vi väntar med det tills rörmockaren varit där och fixat med diskhon.
Är riktigt skoj nu när man börjar se hur köket växer fram och allt hamnar på plats.
Inte långt kvar nu tills vi kan börja använda det !=)
Vi valde att gå på en 4cm tjock skiva då vi båda gillar ek och tyckte det skulle få köket att kännas mer ordentligt, supernöjd med resultatet! Bänkskivan kommer bli lite mörkare då den ska oljas in en gång till också.
Hålet är utsågat alldeles nyss för att hällen ska passa in, bara hoppas på att det är sågat rätt nu annars e det kört hehe.
Nu är det fredagkväll och dags att ta lite helgkännsla,
Over and out


Idag kom Joels mamma förbi och vi passade på att fylla bilen med all kartong från köksluckorna mm och åkte en sväng till tippen med det. Skönt att få lite mera plats!
På vägen tillbaka hämtade vi upp diskbänken som hade kommit, även fläkten har kommit nu men den har vi inte hämtat än, inte lika brottom med den då det blir det sista som kommer upp.
Tyvärr kunde inte rörmockaren komma förrän måndag morgon då de låg efter med jobb på grund av sjukdommar, så inte mycket vi kan gör åt det nu =(
Förhoppningsvis får vi elektriken att koppla in all el i helgen men inte spikat nån tid där än.
Ikväll blir det middag hos Janet, gott med lite hemlagat för omväxling nu =)
Over and out


Just gott translate on to the blog, that means that if we have written a text in swedish you can easly read it in english, all you have to do is press the button on the left above search (sök in swedish) and press in english, now all the text on this blogg will appear in english.
The picture shows where the option is made.


Here comes some pictures of how it all looks right now, the kitchen is not going to be blue, that is just protectionflim. We have some things left to do so the flim will be on a litle bit longer just to prevent scratches.


Hi everyone! Here comes some "old" progress pictures, a few more things has happened in the itched since these are taken, but haven't had time to take some photos of that yet, but they will be up soon.
Here is the walpaper Helena choosed and the next picture is from the other end of the room, and as you can see the floor is done here to, looks good together.
Ikea ikea ikea, yes, its a lot of stuf from Ikea and here is just some of it.
Today the last parts of the ikeastuff will be up ( only some doors left) and then we are hopeing that the sink we orderd will arrive in the next few days because without that we can't continue to do so much.
Over and Out

Back on track

After a little setback where Joel was down with fever for over a week we are now back on track with the project.
Tuesday the wallpaper went up,
Wednesday the floor came on place and finally it looks like a real room!
Today was buying the kitchen day, a long day on ikea and also we got the lamps for the ceiling bought.
Pictures are take in the room and will be up later.

Over and out

https://cdn3.cdnme.se/cdn/7-1/3053701/images/2012/pic_186332163.jpg" class="image">

Hinder i projektet

Joel är sjuk och köksprojektet står stilla just nu. Hoppas på att komma igång igen under helgen eller i början på nästa vecka. Då ska det tapetseras och det sista ska målas. Ni får hålla tummarna för att Joel ska bli frisk snart och att Helena inte ska bli sjuk!



After a nice relax day yesterday today was back on it.
Just finished painting round the window and the ceiling got its second layer today.
Now it's starting to look like progress and hopefully it will be ready to do some wallpaper tomorrow!


Time for some takeaway china and a movie night:)

Sunday= rest

Yesterday we didn't get to much done but we got the first layer of paint on the ceiling done so it's starting to take shape:)

Today we will take a day of and reload the batteries for the week when much will happen.
Keep you all updated later on!

Ceiling up!

Yesterday we got the ceiling up!
This little machine made the job a lot easier:)


evning folk!

Today has been a day with a lot of thing happening.
The kitchen project is going forward and this evning we had the elctric man over and the wires is done now. That means we can put up the ceilling tomorrow!
Also Joel had time at the dentist and on the afternoon we had a visit from our friend. That made a nice break with some coffey and some talking =)
Now it's time for bed, early morning tomorrow, need to messure where all the wires goes befor the ceiling goes up so we know if we need to do something els in a few years =)
Take care


rivet och utmarkerat för el osv
reglat och klart


After two days of a lot of work the "platform" to lower the ceiling is done.
Nearly all of the old wallpaper is of and the electrician was here today so we could talk about how to continue.
Tomorrow will be a little bit slower on the work, we have to go out and chose what new wallpaper we want and look at a fan.
Hopefully we get some "digging" in the walls done so we can get in the new electric cables later on.

Pictures out later on.

Project 3


Today (tuesday) we started Project 3, the kitchen!

And the first step was to get the room cleared from all the old stuff so we started to pull down all the old stuff and didn't stop until we had just 4 walls left.

We got help from Janet and Micke with make a big difference in time and before lunch the wooden parts were all taken down and on its way to the recycle!

The afternoon we spent on taking down old wallpaper and getting the old plastic floor off (that was a little bit harder so we used a machine witch made the jobb a little bit easier.

Now the only thing left in there is our old fridge but that will come out soon to!


Tomorrow will be an early morning, first we must take back the tool we lent for the floor (before 8am) and then round 9-10 a serviceman will come and take a look at our washingmachin (sends out an error code on the display).

And offcorse we will continue on the kitchen! Hopefully we will get ride of all the old wallpaper tomorrow and Micke and Joel will start with the ceiling that we are going to lower down about 10-15cm ( we are going to put in spotlights later on)



Here comes some progress pictures!


More later on,





happy new year!

We just wanted to wich you all a late happy new year!
Project 2 is complete!
Today the last part of the room got ready, lists are up both at the ceilling and on the floor, and it looks really good!
Tomorrow we will jump in to project 3, The kitchen!
So the nearies fueture will bring wery easy cooking because the lack of a kitchen to work in but hopefully soon we will have a very nice kitchen to be in =)

Joel håller på för fullt med sladdarna till hemmabion!

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